Wednesday, December 3, 2008

My dearest Furious,

My recent release from employment has allowed me ample opportunity to
ponder life's little puzzles. I turn my fury to one such problem this
morning: crowdsourcing.

Last I heard, Crowdsourcing was a cool "2.0"-style name for a work
pattern with which we're all familiar, namely cooperation. I think the
pundits would be quick to quip that the novelty lies in _where_ the
work is done: at the core of a business's or individuals's product. In
other words, Crowsourcing allows one to amass volumes of input with
variable value and focus that firehose of product on the fire du jour.
This is innovative. This is new. And this is a fad.

Those who espouse the 'new economy' graduated along with those who
proffered Credit Default Swaps, DotCom 1.0, and Social Networking.
Good things are born in the worst of situations, to be sure, but I am
not sure that anyone should outsource the design of a core product or
process. Those who believe in design by committee should take another
look at the sprawling planned communities in the south and mid-west;
the samey, bland tracts of shoddy abodes the stretch from shore-to-
shore embody the spirit of 2-3 architects, 10-20 HOA members, 1-2
developers, countless City and County interests, and no single,
unifying philosophy. Unless you think that better, faster, cheaper is
the only innovation that will matter in the _next_ 200 years.

Be well. Be strong.
Be Furious.

Sent from my iPhone