Tuesday, March 11, 2008

When Online Bullying of Bureaucrats Becomes A Constitution-Bashing Bonanza

Check this out:
Kentucky Lawmaker Wants to Make Anonymous Internet Posting Illegal - Video - WTVQ 36 - Lexington, Kentucky

Okay, I know...I can't ask you to read this post and proceed to push another publication down your throat.  Here's the skinny: some thin-skinned politician (a playfully ironic paradox in itself), Kentucky Representative Tim Couch, decided that anonymous comments should be made illegal.  Because, apparently, some people didn't like him.  And posted just that.  And it hurt his "feelings."  Now, while I'd like to lounge in my Lair of Fury and laugh at the reckless wielding of legislative leverage, I must be honest:
Be vigilant, my Furious followers.  Like many before you, the foothold of your freedom is infirm; fight the forces of  fearful affect on the digital domain we call the Internets.

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